World Forestry Day 2012

In recognition of World Forestry Day, the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (the Endowment) has joined with The Conservation Fund’s ShadeFund, the Forest Guild, Dovetail Partners, and the Pinchot Institute to create a multimedia project titled, “24 Ways Forestry Improves Our Lives.”
“Forests play a wide array of important roles in our lives. From providing shade and aesthetic beauty to cleaning our air and water to creating thousands of jobs in rural communities, forestry truly makes our way of life possible. This project takes a moment to look at ways—some obvious and some not-so-obvious—that forestry plays a role in everyday life,” says Endowment President Carlton Owen.
The Endowment’s work with Commodity Check-off programs is highlighted for its potential to boost lumber and other forest products markets in North America, as well as mentions of the Forest Investment Zones and Healthy Watersheds through Healthy Forests Initiatives. To see the full list, check out a slideshow prepared by ShadeFund.

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