Summary Report from Second Biomass Learning Session Available

The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (the Endowment) today released the second summary report flowing from a series of learning sessions being conducted jointly with the USDA Forest Service on the topic of woody biomass for energy.  “I don’t know how many times colleagues from agencies or other foundations have told me that they held a convening or discussion on an issue that the Endowment was digging into, only to learn that there was no record or report from which others could learn,” said Endowment President Carlton Owen.  “That all-too-frequent situation is a key driver behind our desire to share even ‘less-than-polished’ documents so that others can build on our learnings.”  The learning sessions and the reports are part of the due diligence process that the Endowment and the Forest Service are using to help identify targeted investment opportunities under the recently announced joint-venture on biomass announced early in July.

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