How Forests Make Our Lives Better

How Forests Make Our Lives Better

U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities, Greenville, SC

For IMMEDIATE RELEASE (January 10, 2018)

Greenville, S.C. – “If we are going to keep forests as forests, we must respect and value them. We must ensure markets for wood and wood products. And invest in and support vital research and conservation.” This central message and many others come to life in a new “white board” animation produced on behalf of the North American Forest Partnership (NAFP). The animation tracks the myriad ways in which trees and forests enhance our lives from providing resources for our homes and our environments to serving as habitat for the natural world. NAFP will produce a series of similar white board animations related to other aspects of our nation’s forest resources as part of a larger messaging campaign. The video conveys that, “For all the forest gives us, we must all nurture it in exchange, working together as responsible stewards, planting and renewing after harvest, and using every last part-from root to branch to leaf to bark—always innovating.” NAFP includes over 110 member investors from conservation organizations to trade associations and from universities to family landholders. To learn more, visit

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