Former Society of American Foresters Executive to Join Endowment

The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (the Endowment) today announced that Michael Goergen, chief executive officer and executive vice-president of the Society of American Foresters (SAF) for the past 10 years, will be joining the Endowment effective September 15, 2013. Goergen announced his resignation July 15 to SAF membership where his tenure spans 17 years.  The early announcement was designed to give ample time for transition and identification of a qualified replacement.

Mr. Goergen is leaving to lead a public/private partnership funded jointly by the Endowment and the USDA Forest Service. The new venture, housed at the Endowment, will pursue innovation in the forest products sector and tools to advance forest health.  Details on the new initiative will be forthcoming in a few weeks.

“At the Endowment we are focused on increasing the value of forests across America. We go about that in ways designed to keep forests as forests while growing family-supporting jobs in forest-rich communities.  Michael is the right choice to lead this one-of-a-kind public/private partnership because of his commitment to conservation, his passion for innovation and his collaborative approach to solutions,” said Carlton Owen, President of the Endowment.

In speaking about Goergen’s tenure at SAF, the Society’s President Joann Cox said, “Michael has brought a great deal to SAF. His passion for forest policy, commitment to bringing forest science to practice, and his visionary approach have helped lead SAF forward. We will miss the day to day leadership he provides. However, as a member and a person deeply committed to forest conservation, he will continue to be active in SAF, and we look forward to his future contributions.”

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