Endowment Endorses National Museum of Forest Service History

The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities today provided a letter of endorsement to the National Museum of Forest Service History. “One of the toughest things about our work is having to say no to so many worthy projects,” said Endowment President Carlton Owen.  “The needs are great but the resources are very limited.  To  advance our important mission we must remain ever vigilant and focused.”
The Endowment’s letter noted, “While our grant guidelines do not allow us to provide direct financial support for the Museum, we are no less supportive of its importance and value.  The Endowment is committed to the health and vitality of all the nation’s working forests.  As the steward of the largest single tenure of such lands, the USDA Forest Service and the National Forest System has been for more than a century the model of how states and indeed other nations should approach management of such a precious estate for the good of current and future generations.  Without the vision for the National Forest System and the dedication and commitment of the men and woman who have stewarded those lands, America – and the entire world – would be a much poorer place.”
In 2009 the National Museum of Forest Service History board announced plans to build the National Conservation Legacy and Education Center in Missoula, Montana. The NMFSH, a national nonprofit organization founded in 1988, is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and interpreting the entire national history of the USDA Forest Service.

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