Coalition to Promote Benefits of Private Forests

Private working forests are a vital part of America’s natural resources infrastructure, contributing significantly to the quality of life enjoyed by all Americans.  The U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (Endowment) today announced that it is a charter funder and member of a new collaborative – Keeping Working Forests Working (also known as “Working Forests Coalition”) — to promote the benefits of working forests.  “We are pleased to be a part of an exciting and diverse effort to promote the importance of American’s private forests,” said Endowment President Carlton Owen.  Sustaining and enhancing the value of these forests – both to society and to forest owners – is of vital national importance and essential to meet some of our nation’s most pressing needs, including renewable energy, addressing greenhouse gas emissions, a healthy environment and jobs in rural communities.  

To achieve this, a broad cross-section of the forestry community – consisting of forest owners, conservation and wildlife groups, resource professionals, environmental organizations and other interests – is calling for the development of an actionable national policy platform founded on three pillars:  1) strengthen existing and emerging markets for goods and services working forests can provide; 2) support and align public and private investments, partnerships and policies to maintain working forest landscapes; and 3) align government policies to support the long-term viability of working forests.   Among charter supporters of the Working Forests Coalition are American Forest Foundation; Environmental Defense Fund; Forest Landowners Association; National Alliance of Forest Owners; National Association of State Foresters; National Wildlife Federation; Pacific Forest Trust; Society of American Foresters; The Conservation Fund; The Nature Conservancy; Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership; and the Endowment.

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