Endowment 5th Annual Report Highlights Early Successess

One cent.  That’s all it may take to start a revolution, at least for financing to protect the forested watersheds that clean our drinking water.  The healthier the forests in a community’s watershed, the lower the storage and water treatment costs are likely to be.  So, investing a small amount now in watershed conservation could save big money later for water storage and treatment.  The story of how the cities of Raleigh and Durham, North Carolina worked with the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (the Endowment) and its partners to craft a national example of citizens investing in watershed protection is just one of the successes highlighted in the Endowment’s 2011 Annual Report, released today.
“We don’t take the safe path,” said Endowment Chairman Mack L. Hogans, of Seattle, Washington. “We’re positioned to do what others can’t or won’t.  We take calculated risks because that’s the only way we can successfully address the enormous challenges that face America’s forests and forest-reliant communities.”
The Endowment’s fifth annual report looks back on 2011 and also reviews the organization’s entire history, memorable experiences, and most importantly, lessons learned along the way.  Over coming days the Endowment will be adding a number of live links that help the reader dig deeper and learn more about its important work.

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