Endowment Releases Report on Wood-to-Energy in the Northern Tier

Lack of a clear and consistent national energy policy, confusing and sometimes contradictory state policies, and a lack of parity in terms of government programs and incentives with other renewable energy sources are major barriers to expansion of woody biomass for thermal use, say experts convened by the U. S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities (Endowment) and the State and Private Forestry office of the USDA Forest Service (USFS) at a meeting held recently in Manchester, NH.
“This meeting and the resulting report—Wood-to-Energy Across the Northern Tier and Beyond:  Barriers and Solutions—allowed a number of people in the wood-to-energy sector to meet and make connections for the first time.   More importantly, the rich discussion helped winnow a list of hundreds of needs  into the critical few things that must be addressed to advance this sector in a way that supports viable small businesses, grows jobs, and does so in ways that are in sync with sustainable management of the nation’s forests,” said Endowment President Carlton Owen.  Since its inception, the Endowment has released reports of convenings and discussions as one way to advance its commitment to share learnings widely so as to aid others with interest in topics under review.

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